OneRay-ST Spiral Stairs for Revit Support Page
No. Each OneRay-ST release only works with the Revit release for which it was created.
For example OneRay-ST for Revit 2015 only works for Revit 2015.
After creating the 3D model change your view to 3D, pick each stair component and explode it.
Only if you explode the component Revit lets you apply a material to it.
In the current version of Revit it is not possible to automate this feature, so, please, be patient.
When you explode a component, Revit can prompt a question about performance, click ok anyway.
Video: How to create customized Spiral Stairs with OneRay-ST
Step by step instructions:
1) Insert one OneRay-ST spiral stairs family series into a Revit project, loading it from the family folder.
2) Edit the family inside the Revit project, change to a 3D view to be more at ease and when the view appears activate OneRay-Spiral
3 ) In the OneRay-ST window click on Apply.
4) Click on Load into Project to load your spiral stairs into the running project.
OneRay-ST includes the great Photo Insertion feature. Here is how to Render your Spiral Stair as Object into a Photograph.
Step by step instructions:
1. Launch OneRay-RT and click on Settings.
2. Set your Spiral Stair Parameters. Then click Ok.
3. Add materials to your Spiral Stair.
4. Select Rendering, then Background to add a background image to your Spiral Stair.
5. Select your image, then click Open. The background image is loaded into your Project.
6. Move and rotate your Spiral Stair to perfectly fit it in the photo.
7. Click on RayTrace Global Illumination Rendering icon to carry out your perfect Rendering of your scene.
How do I rotate and move my Spiral Stair?
The button in red, let you rotate and move the spiral stair in the scene.
To rotate the spiral staircase select “Stair” in the list, then move the cursor to the upper right or left to rotate it.
To move the spiral staircase in the scene select “Stair” in the list, then use the arrow buttons to move the spiral staircase.
OneRay-ST button disabled
When you run Autodesk Revit, the OneRay-ST application button could be disabled (Fig 1).
To enable the OneRay-ST application button you need just to load the Revit family included in the OneRay-ST application. You will find the Revit family into the application download package file.
This is the workflow:
- Launch Revit and open your project;
- Load the Revit family;
- Double click on the Revit family. Now it’s possible to click on the OneRay-ST button to start drawning your customizable Spiral Stairs.
There are few rules to follow when you edit a family.
1) Use consistent values when changing parameters.
2) When editing a closed profile you always need to obtain a closed profile;
3) Right now it is only possible to add lines and arcs to modify profiles. Please check that all new entities belong to the right categories.
4) If you delete a category of entities, the connected 3D elements are not created. This may be useful to create customized spiral staircase.
The installation deploys the families inside the folder: Documents.
The families for Revit 2015 are:
1) fmStair01-15 – On the Left hand side.
2) fmStair02-15 – On the Right hand side.
For Revit 2016 the prefix of the name is the same but the suffix 15 to 16 changes.
Of course the user is free to move the families into the folder that he prefers.
It is very important that during the drawing operations the user doesn’t change any content inside a family; for that reason it may be useful to create a backup copy of the families.