“Be the First, be the ONE, b-mobile”
New b-mobile ONE: the Analist Group Solution for Thermografphic Drone Inspections

Analist Group is glad to announce the brand new solution for Aerial Thermography: b-mobile ONE. The DJI Phantom 2 and 3 become Drones for high performance Thermographic Inspections. The new b-mobile ONE is simple to use: just install the b-mobile support under the DJI Phantom Phantom 2 or 3 Drone and then place the SmartPhone with the FLIR ONE on it. As for other Analist Group b-mobile solutions, mounting and dismounting of the b-mobile ONE is quick and intuitive, it does not invalidate the DJI warranty, it does not require engineering skills and it also allows to continue using the aircraft without limits. Furthermore, the extremely low weight does not affect the flight stability and nor alter in any appreciable way battery life. Safety is never compromised, indeed the b-mobile is designed specifically to firmly ensure the SmartPhone and the Thermal Camera thanks to clamps.

b-mobile ONE Uses:
- Inspection photovoltaic panels
- Heat escapes identification
- Energy efficiency
- Security and surveillance
- Water leaks
b-mobile ONE benefits of the:
- Practical and economical
- Quick and easy to assemble and disassemble
- Does not change the structure of the Phantom
- No problem with the guarantee of the aircraft, the support is assembled and disassembled without changes to aircraft
- Aircraft stability unchanged
- Solid and indestructible
- Ideal for Thermography
- Suitable for any model Phantom
You haven’t got a a b-mobile One yet? Get it now!
The b-mobile ONE Solution
The b-mobile ONE Solution for Thermographic Inspections includes: a FLIR ONE Thermal Camera with Guide + the b-mobile Support.
Click here for more information
Interested in the Drone too? b-mobile is available with the Phantom 3 and 2.
FLIR ONE Thermal Camera
The FLIR ONE connected to your SmartPhone or Tablet becomes a sophisticated tool for all your imaging and measurements without the need for additional cables, pouches, devices or monitors and it is available in both iOS and Android versions enabling you to see and measure thermal energy on your mobile device. Equipped with an enhanced Lepton thermal camera core, the FLIR ONE combines visible and thermal images together using a patented technology called MSX to make the thermal image crisper and more recognizable. Created to improve the FLIR ONE device experience, the FLIR ONE App, available on the Apple App Store and Google Play, provides a simple and intuitive user interface with a variety of functions for capturing and sharing images in real time. You can then upload the images captured directly in the gallery and share them easily with the office and other social media channels. In addition to that the passage from the visible RGB thermal image is done with a simple “swipe” from top to bottom on the SmartPhone display. FLIR ONE is ideal to identify possible leaks of hot or cold air, optimize energy efficiency in your home, identify humidity and potential leaks in ceilings walls and floors, locate overloaded electrical connections. And now, thanks the to b-mobile ONE Thermographic Inspections on Photovoltaic panels, energy dispersion of buildings, thermographic analysis of the soil can be carried simply and immediately.

FLIR ONE for Android Facts and Specs
FLIR ONE for iOS Facts and Specs
Termografia: come funziona la FLIR ONE
Thermography is an infrared technology the thermal investigation. FLIR ONE allows us to see things that the naked eye could never see alone. Normally, human vision is limited to a very narrow band “visible” of the electromagnetic spectrum. The infrared spectrum, also called thermal energy, has a longer wavelength of visible light. It is invisible to the naked eye, similar to the wavelength of a radio wave or ultraviolet. With thermography, the portion of the spectrum that we perceive is greatly enlarged, making sure that we can “see” the heat even in the absence of light. Using a technology originally developed for military use, the FLIR ONE converts heat, emitted by objects in color images. These colors allow users to see not only in the dark, but also to note the differences in temperature. In addition to the vision in the dark and the detection of invisible heat, the device allows users to see through fog and smoke. While thermography unlock new uses and new opportunities for consumers, it is not to be confused with “X-ray Vision”. With the FLIR ONE you can not see “through” walls, doors, glass or clothing; buried objects can not be detected; nor the surface temperature of shiny materials can be measured.
Contents from the FLIR Press Room, to find out more click here
Useful links:
Learn about the Complete Drone Solution for Thermogarphic Inspections
Learn about the Complete Drone Solution for Precision Farming