At last in Naples a great opportunity for your future: the first master’s degree in E-Commerce Management!
E-commerce is growing continuously and steadily these days. To confirm this trend in Italy there are precise numerical and statistical data, provided by authoritative sources, such as the Observatory eCommerce B2C Netcomm of the Politecnico in Milano. E-commerce in Italy was worth over 13.2 billion Euros in 2013 and for all 2014 the entire e-commerce area growth continued to rise to almost 17% increase compared to 2013. More and more Italian companies have realized that creating customers direct lines at a reduced costs, has proven a great business creating scope for new chances and incentives for business, all this thanks to digital technology. Companies and SMEs made in Italy have also realized the importance of e-commerce for business with foreign countries.
It is therefore necessary for companies to acquire strategic professionals better able to intercept this flow of users interested in their product, overcome the challenges that are posed to users and transmit a sense of professionalism in an area which is new to users as well as firms.
The professionals that meet this demand are ecommerce managers. The ecommerce manager, responsible for the online sales channel, should be familiar with the web industry, incline to problem solving, qualified in the management of international projects, able to manage issues related to regulatory, commercial management of both the domestic market as well as the international. His role within the company is to ensure the achievement of online sales, in defining the product catalogue, in monitoring the logistics, analyzing competitor sites and monitoring traffic on the company website.
Employment potential offered by the industry of electronic commerce is among the most interesting today in Italy as well as in Europe. Training, certainly has an essential role.
That’s why The University Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples together with the University of Sannio and with the partecipation of the prestigious Association of Italian trade, Netcomm, have conceived and organized the Masters in E-commerce management. The objective is to train experts, professionals, with targeted and specific skills in the field of e-commerce to help businesses improve and enhance their visibility and their presence on the web.
The course has a limited number of candidates; the number of eligible candidates is set at 30 and registration can be submitted until April 27 exclusively online at the following link: It is open to to candidates who have a Masters Degree or (three years of the old system) but also of a High school Diploma and the selection of the aspirants will be carried out on the basis of the curriculum vitae and the final grade of the Degree and /or the Diploma.

The Master in E-commerce management, falling within the Faculty of Law, will last one year, the training is divided into two lessons per week in the afternoon lasting 5 hours to be held at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples and the analysis of several concrete cases of study with the participation of some of the most well-known entrepreneurs and technicians will be provided, as well as an internship with qualified companies in the industry and a final project that will give the opportunity to the members to find employment as head of e-commerce. The training is divided into four modules, it will focus on subjects which will include market analysis of electronic commerce, regulatory profiles of award shows, sales and promotions, web marketing, project management, store management and commercial management of a web store integration of electronic commerce with other innovative sales channels such as mobile commerce.
To those who exceed the final exam the title of university Master’s degree in management and E-commerce will be awarded together with 60 credits (for graduates) and the certificate of the Postgraduate and Professional Development in E-Commerce Management ( for under-graduates).
For information about the fee and details on the master, please visit the following link: Grab Your Future! Become immediately efficient and autonomous on the web market!
Academic Coordinator
Quirino Picone
+39 349 8506464
+39 0812522424