The Topographic Land Survey with the DRONE has become a new discipline.
All professional now have great possibilities to create new opportunities in sectors before consideres beyond reach. Just think for instance of a relief or landslide monitoring with the very few resources available to Local Administrations: today this reality warmly welcomes the advent of the solution: the DRONE.
With the DRONE you can perform plan elevation surveys with centimetre accuracy at an incredible pace of 1 hectar every 3 or 4 minutes: an explosive power for any technician able to comprehend such a potential. A new market to massive data acquisition at a very low cost with high added value has opened up to everyone.
The DRONE applied to the infinite possibilities of the post-process can be used by all those professionals who are ready to acquire new competences in order to reach new professional horizons. For all those who are not familiar with the use of the DRONE in the Land Survey area will find all the necessary information to keep up with the technological evolution very easily and become immediately operative.
“What can I do with the DRONE in Topography?”
- Level Curves
- Profiles and Cross Sections
- Georeferenced 3D Models
- Volume Calculation
- Quarries
- Distance Measurements
- and more.
Creating representations of the land means to have a precise and accurate image, preferebly from above. Here is where the DRONE becomes the leading role.Using a DRONE for Land Surveying allows professionals to save a significant amount of time compared to traditional methods such as Total Stations or GPS.
With the DRONE you can detect and categorize large areas of territory with a degree of accuracy similar to the traditional topographic instrumentation but much faster and gaining a significantly superior amount of information. Examples are: technical mapping, thematic and cadastral shooting in inaccessible areas due to natural disasters. identification of unauthorized buildings, etc.
With the DRONE professionals reach high productivity, project cost reduction, accuracy, reliability, fast and effective workflows and highly improved operations.
Analist Group has developed the Analist Complete Solution for surveyors which includes: Drone + Pix4Dmapper + Analist Cloud 2015 Land Survey Software.

How does the Analist Complete Solution work?
- Fly with the DRONE and shoot a sequence of photos;
- Import the photos into Pix4Dmapper which will automatically genererate a point cloud;
- Open the point cloud with Analist 2016 CLOUD and carry out all typical land survey operations.
“How does the DRONE work? Is it easy to fly a DRONE?”
Have you ever flown before? With a DJI DRONE it’s most simple.
The DJI DRONES are ready to fly with all accessories. Flight time is around 25 minutes and has a 2.4 Ghz video transmittor from which you can see the footage shot by the DRONE live view on a smartphone or a tablet pc on which you have installed the DJI APP.
Watch the video
How to use and best exploit the great potential of Pix4Dmapper world leader in precision photogrammetry
With Pix4Dmapper the professional will be able to convert the aerial imagery obrained with the DRONE into orthomosaics, 3D models and point clouds. He will also be able to create dimensioned plans,reconstruct face fronts of buildings of great historical interest without being invasive in any way. Pix4Dmapper FREE Download
Learn all the advantages of using Pix4Dmapper

Watch how to start using Pix4Dmapper:
Analist 2016 Cloud Land Survey Software
Analist 2016 Cloud Land Survey Software is the porfessional software for 2D and 3D Topographic Surveys and 3D Surface Modeling. It can inteface with Google Earth and it has a Topographic CAD based on the Autodesk technology. Analist Software provides Profiles Cross Sections, Level Curves, Orthophotos with a super graphic quality. Analist is the ideal solution for the surveyor in search of the highest image quality, preciosn and speed in his projects. Analist can import and manage point clouds generated by Pix4D.

Learn how to move your first steps with Analist Land Survey Software:
With the combination with Pix4dmapper and Analist 2016 Cloud Land Survey Software you can reach results never achieved before in terms of quality, efficiency, speed and accuracy.
Watch how to work with Analist and Pix4Dmapper:
Learn how to use Analist with the DRONE and Pix4Dmapper. Our drone Solution with Analist, Pix4DMapper, and DJI UAVs is state of the art in flight, processing and presentation of the results with an investmnet accessible to everyone with all the necessary support and training.
In which other sectors is the DRONE technology appliable?
Find out about everything you can do with Analist CLOUD 2016 Software with the Drone:
- Land Survey with the DRONE
- Car Traffic Accident Reconstruction
- Architectonic Survey of Building Front and Interior