In this article the Analist CLOUD new features will be illustrated together with the new approaches to which professionals will be able to access thanks to these extraordinary latest functionalities. You will especially:
- handle Profiles and Cross Sections directly on the Point Cloud with Analist 2016 CLOUD;
- obtain your prospects from the Point Cloud;
- work fast and accurately straight on the Point Cloud.
Cross Profiles and Cross Sections directly on the Point Cloud with the new Analist 2016 CLOUD Software
Now, with Analist 2016 CLOUD it is possible to handle the Point Cloud with great power and control, with special regard to:
- importation and management of any Point Cloud;
- Cross Profiles and Sections straight on the Point Cloud.
Analist 2016 CLOUD has been designed to handle huge quantities of data and it is therefore the ideal tool for the complete management of the Point Clouds generated with drone flights, Laser Scanners o other equipment and Pix4Dmapper or Autodesk Recap.

You can obtain your Prospects from the Point Cloud
With such immediate data acquisition with a Drone we have seen how it has become possible to gather a huge quantity of imformation like never before in addition to being able to do so in a very limited time. Data acquisition through aerial imagery has become more and more widespread, as it allows for more accurate surveys at lower costs. It is now also possible to “clean” the Point Cloud with Pix4D, to edit it by removing items w do not need, and once we have the model we can obtain documentation, print layouts very easily and update all changes in real time and automatically. Analist 2016 CLOUD enables you to use the newest most dynamic approaches:
- prospects on building front
- historical centre reconstruction
- land cross profiles and sections

Analist CLOUD enables you to work at high speed and most accurately directly on the Point Cloud.
So whatever your field of expertise: land surveyor, archtect, engineer, geologist the new Technology based on the Point Cloud obtained from camera on DRONE opens up to a wide range of opportunities in terms of execution speed and result accuracy. If you need to assess and evaluate the surface of a building front, or if you need to trace Land Cross sections and Profiles, now with Analist CLOUD you can be fast and accurate directly on your Point Cloud and also produce highly professional Print Layouts which are updated automatically every time you edit your project, always working in an AutoCAD environment.

Link utili:
- Analist 2016 Cloud Software
- Pix4dmappe Software for Point Cloud generation from aerial imagery
- Building front face and interior reconctruction